$410 Driver Education- this includes the 30 hours of in-person classroom and 6 hours of driving
(This cost does not include a drive test-that is a separate fee)
$410 Driver Education online : $80 class + $330 driving
$330 for driving for students who are using DrivingBrilliance.com
The $80 for the book portion online is not part of the $330.
Paying the $330 would be if someone enrolled and paid for class firstAND then decided to pay for the driving at a later date.
$395 for students who take an online option with any other Indiana approved course and just need the 6 hours of driving. *This is subject to availability. Due to the volume of students we see in our physical classroom and our online program, we may not be able to accept other programs. You will need to call ahead to check our availabilty and when you can come in to register.
* We do NOT do just driving lessons. A student MUST take a class room portion or approved online option for us to be able to do the driving! No exceptions!
$30 Drive Test (for students who complete and pass driver education)
$40 fee if a student:
1. Does not show for a drive time
2. Does not give 48 hours notice to change a drive time
3. Comes with improper footwear (open-toed shoes/sandals)
4. Does not have permits on person
Refund Policy:
1. A nonrefundable amount of $100 will be levied on all of our driver's education packages.
2. Any fees/fines will be assessed before a refund is given.
3. Once a student begins the classroom portion of the driver's education program, that portion of the package is no longer eligible to be refunded.
4. Unused driving seesions can be refunded at the amount of $50 per session after the nonrefundable amount is assessed.
5. 120 days after registration no refunds will be granted.